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Career pathways

The care workforce pathway is a new career structure for the adult social care workforce.  

The Department of Health and Social Care is developing the pathway in partnership with Skills for Care, representatives from the adult social care workforce and people who receive care and support. 

It will set out clearly what a career in adult social care means and the level of knowledge, experience and skills required to deliver high-quality, personalised, care and support. 

By having a standardised pathway, it will empower social care workers to develop themselves and their career. It will set out how they can gain skills, access learning and development, and progress their careers in a way that meets their aspirations. 

The pathway is being developed in phases and we'll update this website as each of the phases is announced. 

Phase 1 

The first phase of the pathway focuses on direct care and support roles at four levels. Each level relates to a role category. Roles within each category may have different job titles but the roles will have a high degree of similarity across the sector.  

The role categories are: 

Using the links above, you can find out what people do in their work within these categories. You'll also discover the behaviours they must show, the knowledge and skills they need to have, the opportunities for specific areas of practice and current suggested learning. 

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