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International recruits

Adult social care professionals currently working abroad and wishing to apply for a role in Norfolk should contact the provider directly (by clicking 'Apply now') to express an interest in a vacancy. 

For guidance on international recruitment, International Recruitment East is an online hub of information, resources and support for both recruits and employers based in the East of England. 

Government guidance 

The UK Government has developed useful guidance for overseas candidates: 

Certificate of Sponsorship 

Depending on your circumstances, you may need a Certificate of Sponsorship to work in the UK. 

Check if you need a UK visa

There are adult social care providers in Norfolk who are licenced to offer a Certificate of Sponsorship to overseas candidates. But this depends on your circumstances.  

Register of licensed sponsors: workers

International nurse recruitment 

If you're a qualified nurse, we'd encourage you to submit an application for consideration as part of our health and social care International Nurse Recruitment programme. 

Further advice and guidance 

The Just Good Work app is a great tool that provides lots of advice, guidance and worker rights information to people seeking work in the UK and other countries. It's available in many languages.

The Modern Slavery Helpline is a useful resource for anyone concerned about exploitation and modern slavery. You can call the helpline on 08000 121 700.

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